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<영어 본문 번역>
“전자레인지를(Microwave oven) 쓰면 안 되는 이유 10가지"
전자레인지로 물을 끓이거나 음식을 계속 익혀서 먹으면,
1. 뇌조직을 de-polarizing(除極)하거나 de-magnetizing(脫磁) 하여 뇌기능을 파괴한다.
2. 남성/여성 홀몬의 분비를 멈추게 한다.
3. 우리 몸은 전자레인지에 의해 생겨난 알 수 없는 부산물을 걸러낼 수 있는능력이 없다.
4. 그로부터 생기는 부산물은 몸에 영원히 남아 해를 끼친다.
5. 우리 몸에 필요한 미네랄, 비타민 등 영양소들이 변형되거나, 몸에 해로운성분으로 변질된다.
또는 우리 몸이 분해할 수 없는 상태로 흡수된다
6. 야채를 전자레인지에 익히면 암을 유발하는 괴물질을 만든다.
7. 위암 또는 소장암을 유발시킨다.
8. 혈액암 유발물질을 만든다.
9. 면역시스템을 파괴한다.
10. 기억력을 감퇴시키고 집중력이 떨어지게 하며
정서불안을 야기하고 지적 능력을 감퇴시킨다.
Thing you should know about microwave oven.
Microwave oven, is among the modern gadgets which popular among housewives and restaurant operators in the world as a shortcut to provide food to families and customers.
Food become toxic
The use of microwave ovens, moved the molecules of food.
The molecules forced to moved from side to side.This turns the situation to destroy the molecules and sometimes restructure the toxic substances that cause allergies to humans.
The body doesn’t know food
The concern about the use of a microwave oven, not the radiation emitted, but how they damage the DNA of food to the human body.
Indeed, scientific evidence has been revealed by scientists about the dangers of using the microwave, the manufacturer says it is still safe for profits earned from the sale of this double oven.
Surprising discovery
Two researchers, Blanc and Hertel, confirm!ed that the use of microwave cooking, significantly change the nutrition of food. Hertel has many years of a food scientist and worked at a leading Swiss food companies. He was dismissed for questioning the food processing procedures
Off habits. So she joined forces and expertise with Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Biochemistry and the University Institute for Biochemistry. .
The two scientists examined the effects of micro-wave food for eight people to take their blood after a meal immediately. Blanc and Hertel found that hemoglobin levels of these individuals has declined. The results of this study showed that people who eat microwave foods tend to have anemia (lack of blood). The situation clearly improved in the research.
Ten reasons microwave should be discarded
Look at the facts of scientific clinical studies Swiss, German and Russian at the following:
1. Eat food through a microwave oven causes long term brain damage that cut electrical messengers in the brain (depolarizing or demagnetizing the brain tissue).
2. The human body is not able to disperse (metabolize) food is cooked / heated in a microwave.
3. Male and female hormone production stops and / or changes to microwave foods.
Effect of microwave food
4. Actually like waste / garbage in the human body.
5. Minerals, vitamins and nutrients reduced or changed. So our bodies can only benefit some food. Our bodies also absorb the compound, the compound that changes, and can not break.
6. The minerals in vegetables transformed into free radicals that cause cancer when cooked / heated in a microwave. This is the source of why people with cancer to grow.
7. Microwave food cause cancer tumors in the stomach and intestines, as well as a source of increasing patients of this disease.
8. Eating microwave food causes a prolonged increase of cancer cells in human blood.
9. Eat a microwave continuous decline of the immune system also causes the spleen and lymph nodes of blood serum alterations.
10. Microwave food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional stability and reduced intelligence.
Read more: http://gomestic.com/consumer-information/danger-of-microwave-oven/#ixzz14k4rPMoP
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