An artist's impression of the Ram Brewery Development in Wandsworth, London. Greenland

Holding Group.그린랜드 홀딩그룹의 런던 서남부 완스워스의 램양조장 부지 주상복합빌딩 조감도


중국 국유 부동산개발업체 그린랜드홀딩그룹(綠地集團)이 미국과 호주에 이어 영국으로 사업영역을 확장하고 있다.

그린랜드는 런던의 부동산개발 프로젝트 2건에 모두 20억달러를 투자할 계획이라고 최근 블룸버그통신이 전했다.

그린랜드는 영국 부동산개발업체 미네르바로부터 런던 서남부 완스워스의 램양조장 터를 사들였다고 발표했다. 부지 매입 비용은 밝히지 않았다.

미네르바가 허가를 받은 건축계획에 따르면 이 자리에는 주택 661채와 쇼핑몰, 음식점, 술집 등이 들어선 36층짜리 주상복합빌딩이 세워진다. 양조장과 펍이 들어서 있던 기존 빌딩은 양조 박물관으로 새로 단장된다.

그린랜드는 이와 함께 런던 카나리 부두 지역 금융구역의 3700㎡ 부지에 아파트를 지을 예정이다.

장위량(張玉良) 그린랜드 회장은 "런던은 유럽의 경제중심지이고 그래서 런던에 투자하면 글로벌 영향력을 가지게 된다"고 최근 기자간담회에서 말했다. 장 회장은 "사무실과 호텔, 소매점 신축에 추가로 투자할 것"이라고 밝혔다.

그린랜드는 주택 가격이 오르는 시기에 런던 부동산시장에 발을 들여놓았다. 영국빌딩협회에 따르면 영국 집값은 지난해 11월 0.7% 상승한 데 이어 12월에는 1.4%로 오름 폭을 넓혔다. 지난해 연간으로는 상승률 8.4%를 기록했다.

그린랜드는 지난해 미국 뉴욕 브루클린 일대에서 추진 중인 '뉴욕 애틀랜틱 야드 프로젝트' 투자의 70% 지분을 확보했다.

또 오스트레일리아에 진출해 멜버른에 1000채 규모의 아파트를 건설하겠다는 계획을 발표했다. 그린랜드는 이와 함께 호주 시드니에 객실 180실 규모의 오성급 호텔을 짓기로 했다.

그린랜드는 2년 동안 호주에 10억 호주달러(약 9500억원)를 투자할 계획이다. 그린랜드는 호주 주택 시장이 매력적이라며 집값이 오르는 추세고 중국인 투자자들의 수요도 늘고 있다고 설명했다.

그린랜드는 1992년에 설립됐고 상하이시정부의 자산감독관리위원회 산하 회사다. 이 부동산개발회사는 올해 캐나다와 프랑스, 싱가포르에도 진출할 계획이라고 밝혔다.

백우진 기자



China's Greenland to Invest $2 Billion in London Projects

By Art Patnaude in London and @artpatnaudeart.patnaude@wsj.comBiography
Esther Fung in Shanghai @estherfungEsther Fung Biography

Developer Joins Parade of Overseas Firms Putting Money Into City's Booming Real-Estate Market

A major Chinese state-owned real-estate developer is putting £1.2 billion ($2 billion) into two London projects, continuing a string of overseas investments in the city's booming property market.

Greenland Holding Group on Tuesday bought the historic Ram Brewery site in southwest London, where plans have been percolating for years to build apartments, restaurants and shops. Greenland, based in Shanghai, didn't disclose the purchase price but said it expects to spend £600 million to buy and develop the space.

Tale of One City
House prices in London are racing higher at a much faster pace than elsewhere in the U.K. But vast differences exist within the capital as well


Separately, Greenland said it plans to invest another £600 million in a residential tower on the other side of London, in the Canary Wharf financial district. The deal is expected to be completed by the end of January.

Greenland is among several high-profile mainland Chinese property companies that have gone on an overseas shopping spree in the past year, purchasing big real-estate projects in cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Sydney.

"For us, Chinese investment is important," said Edward Lister, London's deputy mayor, at the Tuesday signing ceremony. He said he has made extensive trips to China over the past year, with the aim of encouraging more firms to invest in the city.

Greenland is the third large Chinese developer to invest in London, according to Mr. Lister, who cited Dalian Wanda Group and Reignwood Group.

China isn't alone. Indian developer Lodha Group bought the Canadian high commission building in November, with plans to turn the building into luxury apartments.

In a city starved for housing, foreign investment in large residential projects is coming at a crucial time.

A rising population "means we have to develop big sites like this," Mr. Lister said. The 661 new homes that are planned for the brewery site are "very welcome to London's housing needs," he said.

A lack of supply is helping push up home prices, while stagnating wages are making them even less affordable. The average home price in London jumped 15% in the fourth quarter from the same period in 2012, to £345,186, according to U.K. lender Nationwide. Mr. Lister said 50,000 new homes are needed each year in the city and environs to keep up with demand.

Real-estate consultancy Knight Frank says foreign buyers make up 10% to 15% of all new-building sales in London.

London homes are often viewed as haven investments, benefiting from a sturdy U.K. legal system and the pound.

Chinese buyers, meanwhile, have looked abroad to avoid restrictions on home purchases and a sluggish stock market. The appreciation of the yuan in recent years also has made overseas assets more affordable.

Demand from wealthy foreigners, who often buy into developments before the buildings are completed, is at the root of a growing U.K. political debate. In December, some of biggest U.K. home builders tried to quell any criticism about their ties to foreign investors. The Home Builders Federation, with members including Barratt Developments PLC and Taylor Wimpey PLC, said it would no longer market new homes overseas before promoting them in the U.K.

Zhang Yuliang, Greenland's chairman and president, said at the signing ceremony that signs of economic recovery in the U.K., as well as in the U.S., were helping drive the group's overseas investment decisions. London fits the mold, he said, as the focus remains on cities with "huge potential" for growth.

Greenland said in a statement that it is looking to invest $5 billion to $8 billion in new projects abroad this year, and that it is specifically looking to places like Canada, France and Singapore.

The firm said it expects revenue from its overseas operations to exceed 13 billion yuan ($2.1 billion) this year, and 30 billion yuan next year, up from an expected 2.5 billion yuan in 2013.

Greenland bought the Ram Brewery site—which housed the original brewery of British pub chain Young & Co.'s Brewery YNGA.LN +1.06% Young & Co.'s Brewery PLC A U.K.: London GBp1000.00 +10.50 +1.06% Jan. 9, 2014 9:04 am Volume : 2,500 P/E Ratio 0.26 Market Cap GBp436.26 Million Dividend Yield 1.49% Rev. per Employee GBp62,205.1 More quote details and news » YNGA.LN in Your Value Your Change Short position PLC, and which once had a ram living in its stables—from a property group backed by Ares Capital Management and Delancey Real Estate Asset Management Ltd.

The 7.75-acre site is being sold with planning permission for the new homes, including a 36-story tower with 166 flats, and 9,500 square meters (102,000 square feet) for businesses.

"Our efforts to date, together with Greenland's world-class development expertise, will mean that this long-awaited scheme finally happens for [the London borough of Wandsworth]," said Paul Goswell, managing director of Delancey.

Greenland, which isn't listed in mainland China but has a unit listed in Hong Kong, said last month that it issued additional shares to five private-equity investors for 11.73 billion yuan, which it will use to fuel its expansion.

The Wall Street Journal



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